Educational Articles, Features and Commentary
The Pose is a fundamental ancient language of all species capable of interaction. We all understand and speak that language. It’s one of those things that everybody does without even realizing it or ever acknowledging it, but we are all mostly pretty fluent in it! How’s that? Simple. If you’ve ever seen your grandma or mom with her hands on her hips, feet shoulder-width apart – you did not need a translator.
When moving, our body goes through an infinite number of poses in space and time. Among the multitude of those poses there are those that play an essential role in forming our movement as a whole. Those poses are referred to as ‘key poses’.
Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, our body, our muscles “know” what they need to do and they do it. Our problems begin when we insist on controlling every aspect of our body moving in space and time.
Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.
– John Locke
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