CATEGORY | Recovery

Pose Method Publishing, Inc

Training: How To Recover Faster After a Marathon

How can you make your recovery faster and more effective? You need to learn a very simple procedure which I developed over the years and call ‘strength recovery’.

Pose Method Publishing, Inc

Training: 5 Signs of Overtraining

The most classical and usually the first of signs of overtraining. Unfortunately, this #1 sign is commonly overlooked.

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Injuries: To Ice or Not

Icing was always a part of athletes’ life, but never to the extremes it is today. It almost seems to be the most recommended treatment for injuries, especially so in running. One can find heat application being recommended also, but not nearly as much as it should be and sometimes not for the right reasons. To say the least about strength exercises recovery, massage and such. Icing or cold therapy with ice is recommended primarily for numbing the pain and reducing the swelling. Since pain is our body’s signal that there is a problem and swelling is reduced by freezing…