CATEGORY | Running

Musculoskeletal (MSK) Pain: Forefoot Pain (Ball of Foot)

While forefoot pain can result from various factors, including injuries, unsuitable footwear, and underlying medical conditions, this article will focus on forefoot pain (pain in the ball of the foot), which is a common musculoskeletal pain associated with running.

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Training: How to Keep Good Running Form for Long Distance

While different distances do require different training plans, the running technique used, however, remains the same. Here’s why.

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Technique: Head Position When Running

The head position is a crucial point in making the muscular system of the whole body engaged in a specific way. It could be more efficient or less efficient and balanced depending on the head position orientation. As a consequence, the movement of the body could be more efficient and better balanced or not. Head The reason for this influence lies in the anatomical and physiological structure of the head. With such organs as vestibular apparatus in the ears and cerebellum, directly defining and regulating the body’s position in space, the head has an exceptional influence on any movement. This regulation is…

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Training: Remedy for Fatigue When Running

“What do I do when I get tired when running?” This question came up and it reflected a very interesting mind-set regarding performance from coaches and athletes. Indeed, what can we do when fatigue emerges when we run? Do we have some options in how to deal with fatigue? Obviously not many options exist, nevertheless many coaches and athletes “hope” that there are some magic tricks to go around. Some choose to gamble by using something yet unknown to science. Is it a question “what do I do?” when a tennis player, swimmer or any other athlete in any other…

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Technique: How to Run on Ice or Any Slippery Surface

Ice is a demanding surface and most people feel and move awkward on it. Even athletes that seem to be adept at the most complicated of moves often find themselves struggling to stay on their feet to say nothing of walking or even running on ice. Ability to run on ice (or any slippery surface) without the help of any ice traction devices has a certain irony to it. It unequivocally extinguishes all debate on running technique and effortlessly removes all thought up forms and variations of technique and leaves Pose Running as the only viable option. Push off? Paw back? Extended…


Theory & Practice: Athlete’s Muscles

I hear discussions of muscles and fibers and I wonder if people participating in the discussion are talking about doing something or is it a theoretical discussion of anatomy. If you’re studying anatomy or have scientific interest in the topic of muscles, tissues and fibers then it makes sense, but if you’re an athlete of any level or a coach – while it might satisfy some curiosity, it won’t serve practical purpose. Types of ‘Knowing’ Within the context of athletics and training there are things we need and don’t need to know in a sense of practically useful information. It…

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Theory & Practice: What Is Overstriding in Running?

Overstriding is a very simple thing, but it is still veiled in the cloud of confusion for one simple reason – it is impossible to identify and/or define something when you operate without a clear standard. When you are told that you’re overdoing something (and that’s what overstriding essentially means) the question arises: how did you come to a conclusion that I’m overdoing something? I think I’m just doing it. What makes you say I’m OVERdoing it? Is my ‘doing’ different from your ‘doing’? Who is to say that my ‘doing’ isn’t better than yours? Maybe what I’m doing is IT and you’re underdoing…

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Et Cetera: 5 Things You Should Know About the Running Pose

Every single person who runs goes through the Running Pose, but not everybody is Pose Running. Click here to find out why.

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Technique: Usain Bolt Can Top His Own World Record

Usain Bolt could run 100m in 9.11 seconds. Given his constitution, genetics and his running technique he has what it takes and then some.

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Training: How to Increase Running Speed in One Simple Step

Whatever your current running speed is, you can run faster immediately by simply changing just one thing. Nothing else will give you the same result.

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Training: Warm-Up & Cool-Down for Runners

In Pose Method we use specific running technique drills to get the body into the right biomechanical structure of movement.

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Technique: Proper Body Alignment in Running

When running, proper body alignment becomes even more important. Considering the level of impact associated with running we must be even more diligent.


Technique: Analysis of Usain Bolt’s Running Technique

What is hidden behind the outer, visible picture of running that defines the superiority of this talented sprinter?

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Theory & Practice: Strength Training in Running

While the question ‘do we need strength training in running?’ is not a question anymore, the question, ‘what kind of strength do we need there?’ is still unclear. That is why I would like to discuss this topic in a short description of the logic of strength exercise use in running. It is no secret that muscle strength is necessary in running to provide for the body’s ability to interact with the ground while your body moves from one support to the other. During support time gravity manifests itself as the body weight and muscles provide for its ability to interact with the ground. So…

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Training: Improve Balance to Increase Speed

In general, better balance translates to higher precision of movement regardless of sport, but how does our balance affect our speed?

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Theory & Practice: What is good running form?

To consider good running form as belonging just to elites doesn’t make sense. Good running form is the result of learning the skill.

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Theory & Practice: Muscle Elasticity

What is muscle elasticity? If you were to stretch a muscle you would see it shrink back a bit. In plain words, it’s a natural ability to recover to original form upon the removal of the force initially applied. In physical activity it is the ability of muscles to perform work, specifically, to contract rapidly after and immediately prior to extension. A human body is a mix of physics, geometry, psychology and all that good stuff, so we should not talk about muscles and their function as separate from the whole. Muscles are a part of our entire system, and…

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Theory & Practice: Stride Frequency and Muscle-Tendon Elasticity Complex

Stride frequency is a very important parameter of running technique. Why do we pay so much attention to it? Why is 180 so important?

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Theory & Practice: The Pose – How It Works

As mentioned in another article, when moving, our body goes through an infinite number of poses in space and time. Among the multitude of those poses there are those that play an essential role in forming our movement as a whole. Those poses are referred to as ‘key poses’ (or simply poses now), as Dr. Romanov named them, because they are at the center, they connect the preceding pose with the pose that follows, while serving as a conductor of energy and all forces involved, and producing the most efficient movement. In the Pose Method the understanding of the correct hierarchy of interaction of the forces involved,…

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Technique: Going Barefoot Has Its Benefits

And there are many. It will help you improve coordination, balance, perception, it will help you develop the foot muscles neglected and virtually atrophied due to wearing traditional shoes. The health of our feet is vital. A minor deviation could negatively reverberate through the entire body inside and out. Our feet are also indicators of the health of the rest of our body. Modern shoe industry completely disregards this otherwise our shoes would look very different. It’s not a panacea Running barefoot is not a miraculous solution to your running injuries as many naysayers happily noted in the recent years….