CATEGORY | Science
Theory & Practice: Flexibility vs Stretching
in Flexibility, Human Body, Pose Method, ScienceIn general, people have the impression that flexibility = stretching. That flexibility is just as simple as stretching your muscles in order to lengthen them to get a bigger range of motion. People misconceive that after stretching, we can relax our muscles, and by doing this, prevent our injuries. This is what we have been taught, educated by press, articles and books in the fitness field. There is a long-standing misunderstanding of what flexibility is all about. FLEXIBILITY ≠ STRETCHING Flexibility Flexibility, (“flex” means “bend”, or ability to bend) as a bio-motor capacity, is the ability of your joints to…
Theory & Practice: Athlete’s Muscles
in CrossFit, Human Body, Running, Science, Speed, Strength, TrainingI hear discussions of muscles and fibers and I wonder if people participating in the discussion are talking about doing something or is it a theoretical discussion of anatomy. If you’re studying anatomy or have scientific interest in the topic of muscles, tissues and fibers then it makes sense, but if you’re an athlete of any level or a coach – while it might satisfy some curiosity, it won’t serve practical purpose. Types of ‘Knowing’ Within the context of athletics and training there are things we need and don’t need to know in a sense of practically useful information. It…
Theory & Practice: The Role and Importance of a ‘Standard’
in Pose Method, Science, TechniqueWe use the word ‘standard’ on daily basis, we’re all very familiar with its meaning. Here’s a quick sample of the meaning given in a dictionary just so we’re on the same page: standard |ˈstandərd| noun 1 a level of quality or attainment 2 an idea or thing used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations: the wages are low by today’s standards | the system had become an industry standard. • (standards) principles of conduct informed by notions of honor and decency: a decline in moral standards. • a form of language that is widely accepted as…
Theory & Practice: Gravity + Movement
in Human Body, Pose Method, ScienceAll human movement is gravity-dependent. Whether you’re running, swimming, walking to your car or reaching for milk in your refrigerator – you’re moving under the influence of gravity.
Technique: Analysis of Usain Bolt’s Running Technique
in Running, Science, TechniqueWhat is hidden behind the outer, visible picture of running that defines the superiority of this talented sprinter?
Theory & Practice: Muscle Elasticity
in Human Body, Running, Science, Speed, StrengthWhat is muscle elasticity? If you were to stretch a muscle you would see it shrink back a bit. In plain words, it’s a natural ability to recover to original form upon the removal of the force initially applied. In physical activity it is the ability of muscles to perform work, specifically, to contract rapidly after and immediately prior to extension. A human body is a mix of physics, geometry, psychology and all that good stuff, so we should not talk about muscles and their function as separate from the whole. Muscles are a part of our entire system, and…
Theory & Practice: Stride Frequency and Muscle-Tendon Elasticity Complex
in Human Body, Running, Science, Strength, TechniqueStride frequency is a very important parameter of running technique. Why do we pay so much attention to it? Why is 180 so important?
Theory & Practice: The Extensor Paradox in Running
in Running, Science, TechniqueThe original article (below) on the topic at hand, was published in Biomechanics of Distance Running in 1990. As you read the data and conclusions from this research you’ll see that the scientific community was not ready to accept the idea of the role of gravity as a leading force in running. A classical vision of gravity strictly as a vertical force was predominant in the scientists’ minds and didn’t allow them to look at the facts from a different perspective. The most important thing there, a relationship between extensor muscles and gravity as one non-conflicting system with reciprocal coordination…
A world-renowned sports scientist, Olympic coach and bestselling author Dr. Nicholas Romanov is the developer of the Pose Method®.
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Tactical and all terrain technique and training for the military, special ops and first responders. Providing advanced instruction since 2008.
Approved continuing education course for CrossFit coaches. Pose Method of Running is used by CrossFit community members since 2007.