Tag | pose running

Pose Method Publishing, Inc

Et Cetera: 5 Things You Should Know About the Running Pose

Every single person who runs goes through the Running Pose, but not everybody is Pose Running. Click here to find out why.

Pose Method Publishing, Inc

About My Book: The Pose Method® of Running

Despite the volume of scientific articles and books written about running technique, the problem of how to run, and how to teach running technique, has still not been satisfactorily addressed. This tremendous output of information and opinion remains a disjointed, even eclectic, amalgam of anecdotal observation and experience, devoid of any integral unifying concept. As a result, the teaching process of running is something of a foster child, a process wholly dependent on the individual coach’s insights, preferences and competence. Without an underlying, developed and accepted school of thought as to what constitutes proper running technique, what is taught by…