Running Clinic – Austin, TX

ONNIT GYM 4401 Freidrich Ln., #301,, Austin, TX, United States

This running seminar was developed by a 2-time Olympic Coach, bestselling author, world-renowned sports scientist Dr. Nicholas Romanov.

$50.00 – $100.00

Running Seminar – Chicago, IL

Smith Physical Therapy + Running Academy 110 W. Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, United States

Running Chicago Marathon? This running seminar is an excellent way to prepare and go for it! Scheduled months ahead of this marathon, our running seminar will be your path to the finish line and possibly along with your Personal Best!

$790.00 – $890.00

Running Seminar – Boise, ID

Audacious CrossFit 8324 W Vincent St., Boise, ID, United States

This running seminar was developed by a 2-time Olympic Coach, bestselling author, world-renowned sports scientist Dr. Nicholas Romanov.

$790.00 – $890.00

Running Seminar – Phoenix, AZ

Spooner Sports Institute 5750 S 32nd St., Phoenix, AZ, United States

This running seminar was developed by a 2-time Olympic Coach, bestselling author, world-renowned sports scientist Dr. Nicholas Romanov. Most runners never learned how to run. Most professionals treating running related injuries and running movement inefficiencies never learned how to run as well. This is just how things used to be. Register for our running seminar to learn what biomechanically sound running technique is and how to work with your runners. Most running related injuries can be easily prevented and avoided altogether and we can show you how and teach you how to do it. As part of your registration, you...

$790.00 – $890.00

Running Seminar – Boise, ID

Audacious CrossFit 8324 W Vincent St., Boise, ID, United States

This running seminar was developed by a 2-time Olympic Coach, bestselling author, world-renowned sports scientist Dr. Nicholas Romanov. The live event is an independent practical part of the complete educational approach that combines theory, technique and practice.


Running Seminar – Chicago, IL

Smith Physical Therapy + Running Academy 110 W. Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, United States

Running Chicago Marathon? This running seminar is an excellent way to prepare and go for it! Scheduled months ahead of this marathon, our running seminar will be your path to the finish line and possibly along with your Personal Best!


Running Seminar – Kannapolis NC

The Quantum Fitness 1778 Dale Earnhardt Blvd., Kannapolis, NC, United States

This running seminar was developed by a 2-time Olympic Coach, bestselling author, world-renowned sports scientist Dr. Nicholas Romanov. The live event is an independent practical part of the complete educational approach that combines theory, technique and practice.
