Pose Method
pose meth·od
/pəʊz ˈme-thəd /
Pose Method is a name of a system developed by Nicholas Romanov, Ph.D. to teach and to learn human movement and sport specific techniques. Read more >
a specific way to position your body
a systematic approach to or an established procedure for accomplishing something.
- a procedure, technique, or way of doing something, esp. in accordance with a definite plan
- a manner or mode of procedure, esp. an orderly, logical, or systematic way of instruction, inquiry, investigation, experiment, presentation, etc
- order or system in doing anything
- orderly or systematic arrangement, sequence, or the like
The Pose Method® is a registered trademark.
The Pose Method® can be applied to all human movement. The currently available modules are:
The Pose Method® of Running is a method to teach and learn running technique.
The Pose Method® of Swimming is a method to teach and learn swimming technique.
The Pose Method® of Cycling is a method to teach and learn cycling technique.
The Pose Method® of Triathlon is a method to teach and learn triathlon techniques (swimming, cycling and running techniques) as a complete system rather than three separate techniques.
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