Tag | pose

Pose Method Publishing, Inc

Theory & Practice: The Pose

The Pose is a fundamental ancient language of all species capable of interaction. We all understand and speak that language. It’s one of those things that everybody does without even realizing it or ever acknowledging it, but we are all mostly pretty fluent in it! How’s that? Simple.

Pose Method Publishing, Inc

Theory & Practice: The Pose – How It Works

As mentioned in another article, when moving, our body goes through an infinite number of poses in space and time. Among the multitude of those poses there are those that play an essential role in forming our movement as a whole. Those poses are referred to as ‘key poses’ (or simply poses now), as Dr. Romanov named them, because they are at the center, they connect the preceding pose with the pose that follows, while serving as a conductor of energy and all forces involved, and producing the most efficient movement. In the Pose Method the understanding of the correct hierarchy of interaction of the forces involved,…