CATEGORY | Sports Injuries
Musculoskeletal (MSK) Pain: Forefoot Pain (Ball of Foot)
in Running, Sports Injuries, TechniqueWhile forefoot pain can result from various factors, including injuries, unsuitable footwear, and underlying medical conditions, this article will focus on forefoot pain (pain in the ball of the foot), which is a common musculoskeletal pain associated with running.
Injuries: To Ice or Not
in Health, Human Body, Recovery, Sports InjuriesIcing was always a part of athletes’ life, but never to the extremes it is today. It almost seems to be the most recommended treatment for injuries, especially so in running. One can find heat application being recommended also, but not nearly as much as it should be and sometimes not for the right reasons. To say the least about strength exercises recovery, massage and such. Icing or cold therapy with ice is recommended primarily for numbing the pain and reducing the swelling. Since pain is our body’s signal that there is a problem and swelling is reduced by freezing…
Calf Soreness
in Running, Sports Injuries, TechniqueCalf soreness is a rather common occurrence but not a standard one by any means. Some get it and others don’t.
Injuries: Achilles Tendinitis – What Is The Problem?
in Sports Injuries, TechniqueAchilles Tendinitis, a common injury for lots of people, especially runners. It deprives them not only of pleasure of running, but also influences their entire daily experience. They spend a lot of money, time and effort to “cure” themselves from this painful injury to be able to continue doing what they love, i.e. running, but in many cases traditional medicine and approach completely fail them. And even in cases where a temporary relief is experienced, it is short-lived and the injury rears its ugly face again and again. A surgery, that is quite costly and comes with many promises but…
A world-renowned sports scientist, Olympic coach and bestselling author Dr. Nicholas Romanov is the developer of the Pose Method®.
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